On the sofa with Gael - Part 4
Mister leather Belgium 2020, Gael, interviews some of the MSC Belgium members! Read the story of David!
Gael: Hi David, welcome on my virtual sofa. Can you introduce yourself? Who are you? Where do you live and what are you doing for work?
David: I am David Partoens. I’m 42 and live in Hasselt. When I have time off, I am doing sports like cycling, spinning or going to the gym.
I work as a main educator in an institution for people with mental disabilities. In the institution I am responsible for 2 age categories. It’s a very interesting job, with lots of challenges, but I get so much in return from the residents of the institution. It’s so pure and sincere, and that is the my main motivation.
“The reason why I came out quite late of the fetish closet, is because my previous partner with whom I had a relationship for 15 years, was not fetish minded. So my rubber suits came out of my closet when I was home alone”
Gael: What are your main fetishes? And for how long have you been in the scene? How did you discover your interest in this fetish?
David: I joined the fetish scene 1,5 year ago, so that’s not so long. I’m into a few fetishes: leather, lycra and smokers. The reason why I came out quite late of the fetish closet, is because my previous partner with whom I had a relationship for 15 years, was not fetish minded. So my rubber suits came out of my closet when I was home alone 😈.
At young age I was attracted to men wearing uniforms: bikers, cyclists, cool smoking guys. After that, I was giving the best dance moves I got in acrobatic Rock’n Roll: every Sunday I was dressing up in the tightest lycra costumes to compete against other dancers. I loved it !
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“ I bought my first pair of leather pants with my mother. Looking back at it now, it makes me realize that she was at the base of my fetish life.”
Gael: Can you find a way to live your fetish in your daily life ?
David: When I was 15, I bought my first pair of leather pants with my mother. Looking back at it now, it makes me realize that she was at the base of my fetish life.😊
I vividly remember struggling to get them on. But the smell of it was amazing. I actually had this flashback when I recently bought a new pair of leather pants at Mister B Antwerp.
On daily basis I do wear my rubber underneath my regular clothes, and leather when I am at home. But thinking about it now, I should wear it more often.
Gael: You are a recent member of MSC, How did you find out about this fetish club? What made you want to become member ?
David: Back in January, I became member of MSC Belgium. I was introduced to the club by Bart and Frank. MSC Belgium is working hard in connecting with its members. I took part in a Fetish photoshoot and now this interview, you guys are doing an amazing job. MSC Belgium events have a casual and very welcoming atmosphere.
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“I do miss the Fetish Socials, going out and having a drink with like minded people. It’s with a major positive mindset that I am looking forward to 2021.”
Gael: How are you experiencing the Corona-crisis? What do you miss the most? And what are you looking forward to pick up again.
David: Covid-19 cancelled a lot of events this year. I do miss the Fetish Socials, going out and having a drink with like minded people. Beside my job, I don’t have much of an active social life right now, but I guess I am not the only one experiencing the crisis like this. I really look forward to be able to socialize again with my family and friends in a near future.
Gael: Major fetish events are cancelled. Did you plan to go to some of them ?
David: I was supposed to go to a lot of events this year. The Prides, La Démence-parties, and Folsom Europe were all marked in my calendar. Unfortunately, all big events are cancelled for this year, but eventually, health and safety matter more. And it’s with a major positive mindset that I am looking forward to 2021.
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Gael: Where do you see yourself in 10 years ?
David: I hope to stay as energetic as I am today, to get married and finally to get a playroom 😈. But most important, I hope to be healthy and happy.
Gael: How can people connect with you ?
Facebook : David Partoens, Instagram: David Partoens, Instagram 2: D2ffetish